Cellular Network Reviews
AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless to cover each
adequate service, but note the local variations.
ALABAMA: AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile serve the majority of the state equally well. ALASKA: GCI Wireless provides coverage in the largest number of Alaska communities and with a recent expansion provides the greatest amount of the best cell phone coverage in Alaska, including data. Arctic Slope Telephone Wireless has some of the most loyal customers in the state as they serve the northern tip of the state and act more like family than a company. Verizon has entered the state with a new 4G LTE network that depends on some roaming partners for greater coverage around the state, however, non-4G phones cannot access the Verizon network, so mainland visitors may end up roaming on a different network. Bristol Bay Cellular may be your only choice in the upper Aleutian Islands. T-Mobile has no network of their own in Alaska. Some towns have only one wireless carrier, many where wireless is the only phone service available. ARIZONA: The Native American territories are a special case and, while Cellular One has the most widespread general coverage there, Choice Wireless provides a greater amount of high speed broadband coverage. ARKANSAS: Verizon, T-Mobile and AT&T have coverage in the state, but this is also where US Cellular has the best cell phone coverage in most rural areas of Arkansas. CALIFORNIA: Consider US Cellular in the northwesternmost part of the state for their superior network and favorable customer service. For rural residents, Viaero is an excellent choice east of I-25 and in the San Luis Valley, and Union Wireless for the northwest part of the state. Choice Wireless serves several rural areas and a handful of small towns in the state with good coverage and competitive plans. Rocky Mountain National Park has some usable coverage along the main road through the park due to its high altitude. Move away from those high spots and there is no service other than near park entrances. A large percentage of Colorado is covered by National Forest lands which generally do not permit cellular sites. CONNECTICUT: AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile serve the majority of the state equally well. DELAWARE: AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile serve the majority of the state equally well. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile serve the majority of the district equally well. FLORIDA: AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile serve the majority of the state equally well. GEORGIA: AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile serve the majority of the state equally well. GULF OF MEXICO: Believe it or not, the Gulf of Mexico has excellent cellular service across almost 100,000 miles of water off the coast of the US. Nearly all service there is offered by Tampnet. Customers of AT&T and T-Mobile can roam on the Tampnet network but we don't know if there are any extra fees. Users include recreational boaters, shipping lines, cruise ship travelers and petroleum workers. AT&T has a partial interest in Tampnet which may result in more favorable roaming charges for AT&T customers. HAWAII: In addition to the Top 3, you can also deal with Mobi. They were Hawaii's only locally-owned carrier, and, while their service is provided by Verizon, Mobi still conducts business as if they were independent. IDAHO: There are big differences between wireless service in rural and urban Idaho, with the edge held by Verizon. They serve the largest amount of territory in the state. Inland Cellular is one of the most well-established carriers in rural Idaho with very good coverage in the northern half of the state. ILLINOIS: AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile serve the majority of the state equally well. The northwestern part of Illinois is covered by US Cellular and if they're in your neighborhood, we prefer them over the others. INDIANA: AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile serve the majority of the state equally well. US Cellular shines as having the best cell phone coverage in most rural areas of Iowa. KANSAS: US Cellular is a top choice in rural Kansas with only the western half of the state uncovered. One of America's best wireless carriers, Nex-Tech Wireless provides excellent rural coverage in areas where other carriers are marginal. KENTUCKY: The eastern part of Kentucky is particularly challenging with only Appalachian Wireless serving the southeast part of the state. In Central Kentucky, Verizon has agreed to acquire Bluegrass Cellular, which has excellent coverage in that area. We have not yet received reports about AT&T or the new T-Mobile in the Bluegrass State. LOUISIANA: Our reports show AT&T T-Mobile and Verizon are about tied for the best cell phone coverage in Louisiana. Broadpoint provides cellular service in the Gulf of Mexico. Our top choice in Maine is US Cellular with a slight coverage advantage and consumer-friendly policies but isn't available in the entire state. MARYLAND: From our reports, there's little difference between AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon statewide in Maryland. US Cellular is a top choice in western Maryland. MASSACHUSETTS: AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile serve the majority of the state equally well. MICHIGAN: If you live in the "thumb", Thumb Cellular has the best coverage in the area. MINNESOTA: AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile serve the majority of the state equally well. MISSISSIPPI: Without question, our favorite network here is C Spire Wireless with the best cell phone coverage in Mississippi along with consumer-friendly customer service. They operate in all of Mississippi with some coverage in border states, especially Tennessee, including 5G Coverage in a small part of Mississippi. MISSOURI: US Cellular shines as having the best cell phone coverage in most rural areas with the exception of the southwest corner of the state. If you live in the northwest part of the state, NorthwestCell provides very good coverage if you can find a plan to your liking. MONTANA: Triangle Mobile provides very good coverage across the northeast quarter of Montana. ► Local reports, N-Z ► Back to the Top |